Fabric Sourcing



Need help with sourcing a specific fabric or trim for your fashion product? Not sure if it exist or where to find it?  

Looking to develop a special fabric, customized hardware, label or packaging?  

We offer the following fabrics and trim sourcing packages:

  • One fabric/trim category package.
  • Three fabrics/trims categories package.
  • Up to five fabrics/trims categories package.
  • Customized sourcing package for a development of a new fabric/trim -  Email us here to inquire about a customized sourcing package.

How it works?

Once you booked your sourcing services we will contact you with the following:

  • An email confirmation with a quick questionnaire that will help us get a head start on your specific sourcing needs: quality, quantity, price point, how and where it will be used etc. 
  • Ask you to provide us with any type of references you might have: similar texture, color, feel, look, size etc.
  • We will go out to the market and source the products for you. We wouldn't just sell you a list of possible resources, we will do the actual leg work for you, reach out to vendors and collect samples. Once we confirm the availability of your product we will present you with the possible options and advise you on choosing the right one for you.

Sourcing time takes anywhere from 1 week to 3-4 weeks, depending on the number of categories and the type of products being sourced. 

** We can source domestically as well as overseas.

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