fit model

How Many Rounds of Fitting Should I Have When Developing a Fashion Product?

How Many Rounds of Fitting Should I Have When Developing a Fashion Product?

Developing a new apparel product is complex and requires numerous rounds of samples and fitting before you can get it right.

If you are new to this process, and since each round is an additional cost and time, the question becomes how many fittings rounds is reasonable to have? And how many rounds are too many?

8 tips to conduct The Perfect Fitting Session

8 tips to conduct The Perfect Fitting Session

A good fit is obviously a result of a good pattern, but you will be surprised to learn how much impact your fitting sessions can have on how quick you will get there and how good and consistent your fit will be.

Not to mention how much money it will save you!

I have been part of hundreds of fitting sessions during my career and I'm always surprised to see how quick a fitting session can go wrong.

The Importance of Using a Professional Fit Model!

The Importance of Using a Professional Fit Model!

“How much does a fit model cost? Is that for one hour only? I really can’t afford that. Can we just fit on me? I can use my friend, he/she is the right size…”

This is a common response from emerging designers when discussing the fittings.

The main misconception about fit models is due to the fact that they are called models. Therefore, it’s important to understand the differences between a runway model (which is what we normally associate models with) and a fit model.

Here is a brief explanation to better understand the difference between a fit model and runway model’s job descriptions: